Rebrand · Website Redesign · Email Campaign Layouts · Flyers
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Chalk Wall Mural
Hand stenciled and meticulously painted, this wall was designed to highlight notable company events and encourage employees to reflect, write, or doodle their very own testimonies in a centralized space.

View from office workspaces 🦅

I outlined my designs in painter's tape to achieve crisp, clean lines 📐

Our office on Minnehaha was next to the railroad tracks 🚂

Mural complete! 🎉 Now for some written testimonies...
Brand Guide

Brand in Action

Sales Summit Concepts

16' Trade Show Banner

Empower+ Warranty Flyer

Branded Waterbottles
Thank you,
Vivacity Tech - for allowing me to work alongside an amazing team!

Volunteering - Every Meal 🍽

Polar Plunge 2022! 🥶

MVP Award Recipients 🎉

MVP Award 🏆